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Is Polished Concrete Slippery?

Yellow caution sign on a shiny wet polished concrete floor with the warning 'Wet Floor' and the figure of a person slipping, indicating a hazard and advising people to be careful while walking in the area.

Yes, polished concrete is slippery when wet, but there is a solution. It’s a simple fact that any smooth surface — whether unfinished and unpolished concrete, polished concrete, tile, composite tile, vinyl, or finished hardwood — is slippery when wet. That’s why the phrase about slipperiness is so well known! And who doesn’t remember sliding around a smooth floor in socks? Depending on the footwear, any polished surface can be slippery. So how can you get the polished look with concrete that people find aesthetically pleasing without the risks of falls and injury?

First Consider the Location

You can simply avoid installing polished concrete in places where water is frequently a factor. Kitchens, bathrooms, shower areas, and mop rooms, for example, should not use a polished floor. Outdoor polished concrete is never recommended, except in areas without foot traffic that are strictly ornamental. Wherever condensation is present, for example near freezers or ice machines, as well as entryways during inclement weather, polished concrete can lead to slips and falls, if it is untreated.

Second — Consider the Topcoat

If slipping is a concern, polished concrete can be coated with topcoats that improve traction by increasing friction, without interfering with the beauty of polished concrete. Various mixtures are available. Consult with the visiting specialist from California Custom Coatings when you discuss the polished concrete option.

Remember that any polished or smooth surface has the potential to be slippery. Polished concrete, however, can come with a solution that many other flooring types do not offer. Non-slip surface coatings satisfy many customers’ needs for a beautiful floor that is still safe for foot traffic. Find out more by contacting California Custom Coatings by phone or online.

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