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Choosing Epoxy Coatings

A person stands on a paved surface with three large white arrows painted on the ground, pointing in different directions: left, right, and straight ahead. The figure's legs are visible from the waist down, wearing jeans and black shoes. The image is slightly blurred around the edges, emphasizing the idea of decision-making or choosing a path. The scene is lit with a soft glow, adding to the feeling of contemplation or uncertainty.

There are many different types of coatings for concrete floors, all designed to serve a specific purpose. Polyurethane, polyurea, polyaspartics, and pure epoxy coatings are all common. The right coating for your floor is determined during a consultation with California Custom Coatings. Here are some of the considerations that typically come into play during the consultation.

How Strong Does the Floor Need to Be?

Various coatings are designed to be chemical, temperature, stain, scratch and UV resistant. UV resistance is important for floors exposed to direct sunlight or even sunlight through windows. Define the purpose of the floor and you go a long way towards choosing the best option in coatings.

How Long to Cure?

If you need a fast turnaround time, from preparation to completion, you need a fast curing time. If a coating has not set or cured, putting weight on it causes indentations and marring of the surface. Coatings that cure quickly tend to be less durable, however, so accepting a longer curing time can lead to a stronger coating.

Are VOCs Important?

Whether you paint a wall, add a new carpet, or glue down vinyl flooring, there is always that particular scent left over and lingering in the air. Those smells are caused by volatile organic compounds (or VOCs). Epoxy coatings tend to have lower VOCs than other flooring products, but California Custom Coatings can use materials that are specifically made to have very low levels of VOCs released during the application and curing process. Let us know if this is an important consideration for you.

Do You Want a Thick or Thin Coating?

If your floor could benefit from minor leveling, a thick coating of 100% epoxy can accomplish that. Major leveling requires the application of urethane concrete to renovate the surface of the floor. The thickness of the coating naturally affects curing time, but thicker is usually better when it comes to durability.

Glossy or Matte Finish?

Topcoats lock in the protective qualities of epoxy coatings. They also play a large role in the amount of gloss on the floor. Whether you want a gloss or a matte finish means that certain products must be used instead of others. The topcoat is also important if the room requires an anti-slip finish.

We are California Custom Coatings for a Reason

As you can see from these descriptions, there are many possibilities when it comes to custom epoxy flooring. California Custom Coatings uses our consultation time with you to make sure that we determine exactly what you want in concrete flooring. Custom satisfaction is essential, and durability is a must! Contact us by phone or online to start your free consultation today!

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