Major Website Recommends Epoxy Garage Floors
If You Do Vehicle Maintenance, This Floor is For You!
A major home renovation website recently stated that “if you perform extensive car repairs and maintenance work in your garage, a waterproof and abrasion-resistant epoxy…may be a better option.” A better option than what? And what are you protecting against? Let’s learn more about how California Custom Coatings provides the best option for the DIY mechanic!
It’s About the Fluids
A vehicle powered by an internal combustion engine always needs a variety of fluids. Although some don’t require engine coolants (hello air-cooled Volkswagens and Corsairs), every such vehicle still needs hydraulic fluid, a petroleum-based fuel, lubricating oil, grease, transmission fluid, and sometimes even battery acids. When any one of these liquids hits bare concrete, stains are the result.
That’s why you need an epoxy coating for your DIY garage. Mere concrete paint breaks down in the face of these challenges, but an epoxy coating over the entire floor does the best possible job of preventing stains. Epoxy concrete coatings can give you the cleanest garage floor possible. And the cleaner the garage, the better the end result that your repairs can attain.
Metal on Concrete — Lose/Lose
As mentioned by this website, epoxy coatings are also abrasion-resistant. Metal usually wins against concrete, so when a part or tool hits the floor it often gouges the surface, depending on the weight, shape and height from which the metal falls. Concrete can also do a number on the metal, creating dents or deformities. Epoxy coatings do more than just protect concrete from gouges and cracks. The protective layer on top of the concrete also acts as a slight cushioning agent, limiting the damage to dropped items, within certain limits. You’ll notice that an epoxy floor seems to have a slight amount of give compared to an ordinary, untreated concrete foundation. Sometimes that slight shock absorption is just enough to keep something from getting whacked beyond repair.
When you’re ready to give your concrete garage floor the look of a professional shop, contact California Custom Coatings for jobs in Sacramento and Northern California. We are ready to install epoxy flooring that is not just “a better option.” We think it’s the best option for your garage!
- On October 7, 2021