One of the most requested styles of paint jobs for custom cars is sparkling metallic. These astounding paint schemes add dimensionality to catch the attention and hold it! Gorgeous changes in color result from the iridescent effects and fascinating sparkles made by thousands of miniscule shiny particles. Can a concrete foundation equal these impressive paint jobs? California Custom Coatings is a metallic flooring specialist eager to add brilliance to your concrete flooring!
What Makes the Sparkle?
Metallic epoxies combine durable glossy coats with colorful undercoatings and sparkling mica or metal nanoparticles. In addition to choosing different colors of floor coat, you may also select different colored nanoparticles for a variety of special effects. Here are some of the possibilities:
- Iridescence— Imagine the feathers of a peacock or hummingbird and you can imagine the effect of iridescence. When applied with epoxy coatings, the floor changes color, based on the light source or viewpoint.
- Pearlescence— This effect is similar to that of iridescence, but with a focus on matching the soft colors produced by pearls, abalones or opals. It reminds you of a rainbow or the colorful light from a prism.
- Sparkle— Metallic and mica particles are outstanding light reflectors. Increase or decrease the sparkle by altering the number or size of nanoparticles in the epoxy.
- Depth— By artfully shaping the pigment layers, bunching nanoparticles in some areas while at the same time leaving fewer in others, our craftworkers create a sense of 3-dimensionality. Depth, movement, waves, current, atmosphere and more are suggested by an artfully designed and executed metallic floor.
- Gloss— Although sparkle is like twinkling stars, gloss means the reflection of light from surfaces. Epoxy flooring is known for providing a quality shine, but metallic flooring takes it to a whole new level! Although much is dependent on the design, maximal shine is reachable with metallic floors.
When it comes to metallic epoxies, the decision is yours! Traditional epoxy flooring all on its own is great. It is attractive, durable and effective. But when you desire the best that California Custom Coatings has to present in Elk Grove, inquire to see our designs for metallic epoxy flooring. Each project is one of kind, tailor-made, and all of them are amazing. To start creating your metallic concrete floor, talk with California Custom Coatings today!