Industrial structures need concrete floors that are more resilient than average. Large equipment, 24-hour traffic, possible spills, and the requirement for a clean workplace necessitate that the foundation be coated to prevent undue safety hazards, stains, and wear. In consideration of industrial specifications, epoxy scientists created coatings to confront these heavy-duty challenges. With assistance from California Custom Coatings, businesses in Antelope can take advantage of these advanced flooring materials to defend their building foundations.
What Industrial Epoxy Needs
Adding endurance is an important expectation for industrial level flooring, requiring the thickest applications of epoxy coatings. This often leads to trowel grade epoxies that are meant to be extra durable. The benefit of this material is that it better endures surface forces and strengthens the top layer of concrete with tightly interconnected polymers that act as a safety net to protect and preserve the building’s foundation.
Chemical protection is another factor, depending on the kind of industry. By altering the composition of an epoxy mix, coatings are created that handle the harshest bases or acids. Other formulas protect against solvents or oils. Name your concern and California Custom Coatings has an industrial solution!
Of paramount concern is the safety of employees and visitors to your industrial facility. Epoxy coatings offer the opportunity to make colored zones and lanes of traffic that distinctly mark out where people, materials, and vehicles should and should not be on the work floor and in warehouses. We also recommend non-slip surfaces be applied for oily or wet areas and slopes become safer if coated with rough materials. Discuss your specifications for industrial floor coatings with California Custom Coatings and they can provide the answers you want!