Many professional kitchens use tile on their floors. But the latest style in Lincoln is peeling off old tiles, uncovering the foundation underneath, grinding it seamless, and applying epoxy coatings. Yet, a few people hesitate when considering epoxy coatings in professional kitchens. So, we’d like to address common concerns about epoxy floors in kitchens.
Isn’t Concrete Harsh on the Legs and Feet?
Many are concerned that a concrete floor will be too rough on their joints and feet, perhaps producing agitation while stationary for the long periods needed during a restaurant shift. In fact, epoxy flooring can help to lessen this circumstance. With California Custom Coatings, you can select different levels of depth and rigidity for your epoxy coat to assist with tolerating impact and vibration. With the proper specifications during installation, your epoxy floor can be better and safer for your joints and feet than plain concrete or tile choices.
Are Epoxy Floors Easy to Maintain?
Epoxy flooring has no joints or seams, so there’s no place for dirt, bacteria, hair, old food, or other contaminants to get trapped. There’s no grout to scrub and clean. Typically, all epoxy floors need for cleaning and maintenance is a thorough mopping. In addition, adding coved flooring stretches the protection of epoxy coatings up the walls of your kitchen from a matter of inches to more than a foot, protecting your walls and floors from spills and scrapes with delivery dollies and carts.
Isn’t Epoxy Too Slippery for Kitchens?
It is undeniable that shiny epoxy floors in showrooms and retail stores can be slippery when wet, but their floors focus on appearance, not practicality. That doesn’t hold true when you implement epoxy coatings for a kitchen surface. By adding textures or a no-slip finish to your epoxy coats, your floor can have more traction than ceramic tiles or vinyl. In fact, many commercial or industrial kitchens in restaurants use epoxy flooring because they offer tougher friction with the proper topcoat.
How Can I Get Epoxy Floors for My Kitchen?
You may have other questions about employing epoxy flooring in your commercial kitchen. California Custom Coatings has the knowledge, expertise, training, and skill to answer them all honestly and completely. To get your questions answered, please contact our office by phone or use our online form to list your questions, and we will provide clear answers. We’re happy to assist you in achieving the useful kitchen floor that you have been looking for!
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